
Rise of the Gigafirm: What will be the next trillion-dollar tech company?

22 Feb 2024

Antonio and Gavin shared insights on Artificial Intelligence investments at a conference in Saudi Arabia. They highlighted the importance of investing in the infrastructure layer of AI, particularly focusing on optimizing GPU utilization rates. They discussed the exponential growth of AI and its implications on power usage. Antonio emphasized the significance of data and reinforcement learning in creating valuable assets within the AI landscape. Gavin predicted the future value of companies based on their AI models and proprietary data. They also delved into the potential impact of AI on blue-collar work and the importance of multi-polarity of AIs to ensure a positive future. Their vision aligns towards a Star Trek-like future where humans and AI co-evolve harmoniously.
Moderator: Gavin Baker
Speakers: Antonio J. Gracias

FII Priority Miami 2024 - Miami - TECHNOLOGY - INVESTMENT - AI Infrastructure - GPU Utilization - Data and Reinforcement Learning - Blue-collar Work Impact - Multi-polar AI Future


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