
Cecilia Attias & Dr Alex Karp of Palantir on Harnessing Technology For Greater Security

23 Feb 2024

Alexandre, a highly accomplished individual with a diverse background from philosophy and sociology to technology, shared insights during an interview. Transitioning from academia to tech, he highlighted the importance of building software platforms that shape our lives. His experiences in German academia influenced his out-of-the-box thinking approach. Discussing Palantir, he emphasized balancing privacy, ethics, and growth while navigating opposing priorities. Alexandre explained Palantir's role in thwarting terror attacks and its significance in commercial and war settings. Touching upon the impact of geopolitical conflicts on tech companies, he stressed the need for adaptation amidst changing environments. Looking to the future, he sees AI's potential to dominate sectors with a focus on near-term innovations within the next
Moderator: Ce?cilia Attias
Speakers: Dr. Alex Karp

FII Priority Miami 2024 - Miami - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - Software Platforms - Privacy and Ethics - Geopolitical Conflicts - AI Innovations - Future Tech Trends


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