
Will People Always Work? FIIPRIORITY Hong Kong

08 Dec 2023

Two experts, Edith and Felipe, discuss the future of work in the context of AI advancements. Edith highlights that work's definition may change, emphasizing meaningful and less repetitive tasks, facilitated by AI. Felipe shares that their robots perform undesirable jobs, mitigating labor shortages in sectors like hospitality. He notes a future shift towards focusing on relationships and health due to AI's influence. Edith believes AI may disproportionately impact white-collar jobs. Both underscore the necessity of education on AI usage and the importance of government regulation and data utilization. They conclude on the importance of strong corporate governance, citing OpenAI's recent events.
Moderator: Ryan Chilcote
Speakers: Andres Felipe Chavez Cortes,Edith Yeung

FII Priority Hong-Kong 2023 - Hong-Kong - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - Future of Work - AI Automation - Education on AI - Government Regulation - Corporate Governance


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