
What Will Living Cost in the 22nd Century? FIIPRIORITY Hong Kong

08 Dec 2023

The panel discussion focused on making 22nd-century cities equitable and livable, addressing the roles of cost of living, urban planning, technology, and philanthropy. Stephen John Thomas discussed sustainable urban planning at King Abdullah Financial District (CAFT), highlighting environmental and social livability. Dr. Ruth Shapiro emphasized the importance of philanthropy in addressing income disparity and supporting vulnerable populations tailored to regional needs. Cherry Lee underscored technology's role in reducing costs and improving efficiency, particularly through cloud computing. The discussion concluded by stressing the importance of community engagement and supporting the weakest societal links to enhance overall urban quality of life.
Moderator: Dr. Cornelia Meyer
Speakers: Jerry Li,Ruth Shapiro,Stephen John Thomas

FII Priority Hong-Kong 2023 - Hong-Kong - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Sustainable Urban Planning - Philanthropy - Technological Integration - Community Engagement - Urban Livability


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