
What is the State of Blockchain After AI? FIIPRIORITY

08 Dec 2023

In a discussion hosted by Kelsey Cheng from Caixin Global, panelists Paul Yee and Raymond Yuan explore the intersection of AI and blockchain. They highlight the potential synergies between AIs efficiency and blockchains transparency, fostering improvements in sectors like healthcare, supply chain, and IP protection. While AI can enhance blockchain's analytical capabilities, blockchain can ensure AIs ethical governance and data security. However, challenges such as interoperability and the need for aligned interests between AI and blockchain proponents were noted. Differences in US and Chinese approaches to tech integration were also discussed, emphasizing the need for global cooperation to address regulatory and ethical concerns.
Moderator: Kelsey Cheng
Speakers: Yi Bao,Raymond Yuan

FII Priority Hong-Kong 2023 - Hong-Kong - TECHNOLOGY - HEALTHCARE - AI and Blockchain - Financial Transparency - Ethical AI - Data Accuracy - Customer Engagement


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