
Humanity Rewritten FIIPRIORITY

08 Dec 2023

Victor Chu is the Chairman of the First Eastern Investment Group, Sam Timmer runs a consultancy focusing on geopolitics and culture, and Kjell Lnnevik is a former Prime Minister of Norway. The conversation centered on the idea of humanity being rewritten due to advancements like AI and general-purpose technologies. Concerns were raised about the potential downsides of technology, especially in areas such as artificial intelligence, global collaboration, and ethical implications. The dialogue emphasized the importance of balancing technological progress with social impact, human values, and global cooperation. The need for international regulations, educational initiatives, and ethical guidelines to ensure equitable access to technology and address challenges like fake news and demographic shifts was highlighted. The discussion also touched on the role of businesses in promoting human values and responsible innovation. Geopolitical considerations, industrial policies, and the need for collaboration among nations were also key themes in the conversation. The participants expressed a mix of excitement for the future possibilities offered by technology and a sense of caution regarding its potential risks.
Moderator: Rishaad Salamat
Speakers: H.E. Kjell Magne Bondevik,H.E. Sam Gyimah, Former,Victor L.L. Chu

FII Priority Hong-Kong 2023 - Hong-Kong - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - Ethical Technology - Global Collaboration - AI Regulation - Human Values - Geopolitical Considerations


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