
Closing Remarks FIIPRIORITY

08 Dec 2023

Eloquent speaker expressing gratitude to attendees, including Prime Minister and long-time friend Victor Chu. Appreciation extended towards attendees, highlighting the importance of their presence. Acknowledgment of Hong Kong's significance in personal and professional life. Gratitude towards Hong Kong government, Stock Exchange leadership, and Saudi partners for their contributions. Recognition of media's role in amplifying messages and fostering inclusivity. Appreciation for the diverse panel of speakers and delegates. Invitation to continue the dialogue at future events and within the membership program. Final thanks and anticipation for next year's summit. Closing remarks handed over for final segment.
Moderator: Richard Attias

FII Priority Hong-Kong 2023 - Hong-Kong - INDUSTRY - HEALTHCARE - Global Cooperation - Media Role - Strategic Partnerships - Event Acknowledgment - Inclusivity


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