
Impact for Humanity with Richard Attias and Gianni Infantino FII7

24 Oct 2023

Gianni Fantino, FIFA President since February 2016, has transformed FIFA into a respected and trusted organization with a strong focus on global unity through football. He has increased funding for football development sevenfold, prioritizing women's football and expanding opportunities worldwide. Under his leadership, FIFA has formed partnerships to support important social causes. Fantino's vision for 2030 aims to make football truly global by investing in all parts of the world and increasing the number of teams in competitions. He believes football can promote cultural exchange, global unity, and conflict resolution, emphasizing the power of the sport to bring people together. Fantino's efforts have been recognized for building bridges and promoting peace through football.

Moderator: Richard Attias
Speakers: Gianni Infantino

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - SPORT - PHILANTHROPY - FIFA Leadership - Women�s Football - Social Causes - Global Unity - Cultural Exchange


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