
Energy's Critical Mass Part 4: The Nature of Power FII7

24 Oct 2023

The discussion focuses on the challenges and solutions related to the transition to renewable energy sources, particularly the role of nuclear power in reducing CO2 emissions and ensuring energy security. The panelists emphasize the need for a balanced mix of energy sources, including renewables and nuclear power, to ensure reliability and affordability of power systems. They also discuss the importance of government incentives and investments in scaling up innovative energy technologies, such as small modular reactors (SMRs) and green hydrogen. The panelists highlight the potential of nuclear power in quickly scaling up carbon-free energy production and its role in achieving energy security. Additionally, they address the need for affordable storage solutions and the use of alternative green molecules to address the challenges in hard-to-abate sectors.
Moderator: Professor John Defterios
Speakers: Marco Arcelli,Andrew Liveris,Franklin Servan-Schreiber

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - TECHNOLOGY - Renewable Energy - Nuclear Power - Energy Security - Government Incentives - Affordable Storage Solutions


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