
What Marks The Era of Long-Term Vision Capitalism? Powered By Softbank Vision Fund FII7

24 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the concept of long-term vision capitalism and its impact on various business sectors. The participants emphasize the importance of patience, resilience, and strategic vision in building sustainable business models. They highlight the need for providing long-term support and oxygen in the form of capital to operating companies. The role of artificial intelligence (AI) in reducing operational costs and enhancing revenue streams is also discussed. Additionally, the conversation touches on the evolution from startups to scale-ups, the importance of sales and customer experience, and the need for agility and adaptability in the face of crises. The participants stress the significance of building strong partnerships and networks to navigate challenges and sustain long-term growth.
Moderator: Maya Hojeij
Speakers: Mohamad Ballout,Ethan Lin,Rebeca Minguela,Saleh Romeih

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - TECHNOLOGY - Long-term Vision Capitalism - Sustainable Business Models - AI in Business - Crisis Adaptability - Strategic Partnerships


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