
Impact: How to Scale Green Technologies from Spark to Flame FII7

24 Oct 2023

The discussion emphasizes the importance of green technologies, particularly in the context of energy and water management. It highlights the challenges and opportunities associated with technologies such as carbon capture, green hydrogen, and renewable energy. The panelists stress the need for collaboration between public and private sectors, as well as the importance of policies and regulations to support the deployment of green technologies. Additionally, the conversation touches on the significance of water management in relation to climate change and energy production. The role of technology-based solutions in decarbonization, particularly in the MENA region, is also emphasized. Overall, the discussion underscores the critical role of green technologies in addressing sustainability imperatives and the need for concerted efforts to drive their adoption and deployment.
Moderator: Akram Alami
Speakers: Dr. Zeid Al Ghareeb,Raad Al Saady,Mazin AlBahkali, Bruno Bensasson,Daniel Hanna

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - SUSTAINABILITY - Green Technologies - Energy Management - Water Management - Decarbonization - Public-Private Collaboration


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