
Compass Point: is Democracy in Peril? With H.E. Dr. Jacques Attali, FII7

25 Oct 2023

The discussion highlights the challenges and potential of democracy in the modern world. It emphasizes the importance of democracy for solving problems, fostering innovation, and promoting rational decision-making. The development of education and a growing middle class are seen as driving forces for the expansion of democracy. However, the document also points out the threats to democracy, such as the dominance of global companies, technological advancements, and the inability to address various societal issues. It concludes by advocating for respect for different political regimes based on cultural differences, while emphasizing the common goal of promoting human rights, empathy, and altruism for the benefit of future generations and global peace.
Moderator: H.E. Dr. Jacques Attali

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - Philanthropy - Technology - Democracy Challenges - Innovation - Education - Global Companies - Human Rights


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