
Titan of Industry with Ceecilia Attias and Salwa Idrissi Akhannouch FII7

25 Oct 2023

Salwa Idrissi Akhannouch, a prominent business leader in Morocco, discusses the country's thriving economy and the challenges it faces. She emphasizes the importance of tourism and the need for further development, particularly in the hospitality industry. Salwa also shares her journey of founding Axel Holding, a leading company in retail and mall development, democratizing the fashion industry and promoting local brands. She highlights the concept of lifestyle malls, offering a holistic experience beyond shopping. Salwa encourages young women entrepreneurs to take risks and be confident in pursuing their goals. She also expresses her vision of expanding globally while prioritizing Morocco's development.
Moderator: Ce?cilia Attias
Speakers: Salwa Idrissi Akhannouch

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - INDUSTRY - SUSTAINABILITY - Tourism Development - Hospitality Industry - Retail and Malls - Local Brands - Women Entrepreneurs


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