
Priority Summit, Part IV: Intelligent Urbanization FII7

25 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the concept of intelligent urbanization, emphasizing the need to prioritize people and the environment in the development of new technologies and energy sources. It highlights the importance of bridging social gaps and providing accessible public services. The transition to renewable energy is acknowledged, but the continued relevance of fossil fuels, especially in transportation, is also emphasized. The need for transparency, understandability, and ethics in the application of technologies in cities is stressed. The conversation also touches on the challenges faced by existing cities in adapting to rapid changes and the importance of aligning long-term incentives for sustainable urban development. The potential for quantum technologies and the role of data gathering and analytics in urban planning are also discussed. The conversation concludes with a focus on the need for flexibility and adaptability in designing future cities and the importance of addressing the challenges faced by both new and existing urban areas.
Moderator: Nik Gowing
Speakers: Nadhmi Al-Nasr,Patrice Caine,Andrew Macdonald,Jean Paul Prates

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - SUSTAINABILITY - Intelligent Urbanization - Renewable Energy Transition - Social Gaps Bridging - Ethics in Technology - Sustainable Urban Development


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