
Richard Attias & H.E. Paul Kagame, President of the Republic of Rwanda FII7

25 Oct 2023

The discussion with President Paul Kagame of Rwanda covered key factors for the country's success, including investment in human capital, empowerment of women, and good governance. Kagame emphasized the importance of investing in people and creating an environment of accountability to drive economic growth and innovation. He also highlighted the need for leadership focused on practical, pragmatic, and results-driven actions. Additionally, he addressed the significance of cooperation and investment in Africa, emphasizing the continent's potential and the importance of working together for mutual benefit. Kagame's leadership approach is rooted in decisive decision-making and a commitment to progress despite tragic history.
Moderator: Richard Attias
Speakers: H.E. Paul Kagame

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - PHILANTHROPY - Human Capital Investment - Women's Empowerment - Good Governance - African Collaboration - Leadership and Accountability


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