
A Champion for Peace and Health - Amb. Tegla Chepkite Loroupe, 3X World Half-Marathon Champ FII7

25 Oct 2023

Tegla Loroupe, a renowned Kenyan athlete and ambassador for peace and health, shared her inspiring journey and impactful work during a discussion. She highlighted the challenges faced by children in her community, such as lack of access to education, medical attention, and basic necessities. Tegla emphasized the importance of investing in sports infrastructure in Africa to harness the continent's abundant talent. She also discussed her commitment to supporting refugees and the need for opportunities for talented individuals. Tegla's dedication to empowering communities and changing lives through sports and education was evident throughout the conversation. Her unwavering determination to represent Kenya and advocate for women's rights was a testament to her strong character and values.
Moderator: Eleni Giokos
Speakers: Ambassador Tegla Chepkite Loroupe

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - SPORT - PHILANTHROPY - Sports Infrastructure - Community Empowerment - Refugee Support - Women's Rights - Education


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