
Impact: What Will It Take To Achieve Universal Human Capital? Powered By UNICEF FII7

25 Oct 2023

The discussion focused on the global crisis in education, particularly for marginalized children, and the need for transformative solutions. Panelists emphasized the importance of partnerships between the public and private sectors, communities, and policymakers to address the challenges. They highlighted the role of mentorship, the need for a holistic approach to education, and the importance of technology in learning. The conversation also addressed the financial constraints in education and the necessity for a broad partnership to address the issue. The panelists stressed the significance of social and emotional health in education and the potential of technology as a learning tool. The discussion underscored the need for continuous learning and support for educators and students, as well as the importance of a clear plan for human development at the policy-making level.
Moderator: Dr. Robert Jenkins
Speakers: Asheesh Advani,Dr. Sonia Ben Jaafar,Fatema Ahmed Kamal

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - HEALTHCARE - TECHNOLOGY - Education Crisis - Public-Private Partnerships - Holistic Education - Financial Constraints - Social and Emotional Health


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