
Building the Cyborg of Today I Dr. Jaishree Naidoo, CEO , Envisionit Deep AI FII7

25 Oct 2023

The CEO of Envisionit Deep AI, Dr. Jaishree Naidoo, envisions a world where doctors can understand patients both medically and personally, and where patients feel certain about their treatment. She emphasizes the importance of a holistic approach to artificial intelligence (AI) in the medical field, highlighting the need for a harmonious collaboration between humans and technology. Dr. Naidoo draws inspiration from companies like Zipline, which has pioneered the safe delivery of medical supplies to remote areas in Africa. She also stresses the inevitability of a cybernetic relationship between humans and AI, emphasizing the need to focus on building new solutions rather than relying solely on human capacity. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the need for innovation and proactive measures in the medical industry, leading to a greater emphasis on the potential of AI to address challenges.
Moderator: Dr. Jaishree Naidoo

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - HEALTHCARE - AI in Medicine - Human-Technology Collaboration - Innovation in Healthcare - Remote Medical Services - Cybernetic Relationship


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