
What is the Value of 8.1 Billion Lives? FII7

25 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the need for greater diversity and inclusion in philanthropy, investment, and international development. The participants emphasize the importance of creating transparent platforms for NGOs to access funding more equitably. They also highlight the need for more diversity in investment, stressing that diverse perspectives are crucial for innovation and risk mitigation. The conversation also touches on the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and scientists, and the importance of asking difficult questions and changing perceptions in the investment world. Overall, the participants advocate for concrete actions to promote diversity and inclusion in these sectors.
Moderator: Xenia Wickett
Speakers: Muna AbuSulayman

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - PHILANTHROPY - Diversity in Philanthropy - Inclusive Investment - NGO Funding - Women Entrepreneurs - Innovation and Risk Mitigation


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