
Investing in Rwanda | H.E. Paula Ingabire, Hon. Jeanine Munyeshuli, Francis Gatare FII7

25 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the investment opportunities in Rwanda, covering various sectors such as healthcare, agriculture, mining, real estate, and telecommunications. The government officials and potential investors are engaged in exploring potential partnerships and opportunities for investment. The focus is on creating value for local farmers and promoting sustainable development. Additionally, there is a strong emphasis on education, talent development, and the democratization of capital to drive economic growth and social mobility. The conversation also touches on the potential for investment in emerging sectors such as video games and esports, as well as the importance of regenerative investing in tourism to preserve culture and the environment.
Moderator: H.E. Paula Ingabire
Speakers: Hon. Jeanine Munyeshuli,Francis Gatare

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - SUSTAINABILITY - Investment Opportunities - Sustainable Development - Talent Development - Democratization of Capital - Emerging Sectors


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