
How to Catalyze Inclusive Capital I Elizabeth A. Vazquez, Ashish J. Thakkar, Ambareen Musa FII7

25 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the concept of inclusive capital, with a focus on democratizing access to capital for entrepreneurs, particularly in emerging markets such as Africa. The conversation features insights from Ashish Thakkar, CEO of Y9 Bank, and Ambareen Musa, who emphasize the importance of providing loans, savings products, and financial education to unbanked and underbanked individuals. The urgency of democratizing capital is highlighted in addressing unemployment, fostering economic growth, and breaking the cycle of poverty. The need for public-private partnerships, innovative regulatory frameworks, and investment in emerging markets is emphasized to create an inclusive ecosystem. The discussion also underscores the significance of connecting entrepreneurs with access to markets and the role of policies and regulations in supporting minority and women entrepreneurs. Overall, the conversation emphasizes the transformative impact of democratizing access to capital and the need for concerted action to achieve this goal.
Moderator: Elizabeth A. Vazquez
Speakers: Ashish J. Thakkar,Ambareen Musa

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - PHILANTHROPY - Inclusive Capital - Democratizing Access - Financial Education - Public-Private Partnerships - Emerging Markets


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