
Generation AI, Part III: (Em)Powered by Thought FII7

26 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the potential of brain-computer interface (BCI) technology, as demonstrated by James Johnson, a former nurse who became paralyzed after an accident. He underwent experimental brain surgery to receive implants that allowed him to control various technologies using his thoughts, such as driving a car. The conversation also delves into the future possibilities of BCI, including memory enhancement and creating hyper-realistic experiences. Christian, the chairman of BlackRock Neuro, expresses enthusiasm for the technology's potential and its applications in improving the quality of life for individuals with neurological conditions. The discussion highlights the potential for BCI to not only heal and cure but also to empower and enhance human capabilities.
Moderator: Dr. Mary Lou Jepsen
Speakers: Christian Angermayer,James Johnson

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - HEALTHCARE - TECHNOLOGY - Brain-computer Interface - Communication Abilities - Medical Enhancements - Quality of Life - Ethical Implications


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