
The Next GPT: Can One AI Model Rule Them All? FII7

26 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the commercialization of artificial intelligence (AI) and the challenges and opportunities it presents. The experts emphasize the need for practical and useful applications of AI, highlighting the importance of data quality, investment, and partnerships with big companies. They also discuss the potential of neurosymbolic AI and the need for transparent and connected relationships between big companies and startups to ensure reliable outcomes. The conversation touches on the importance of education and trust-building in AI, as well as the need to address limitations in large language models. Overall, the experts stress the importance of building trust in AI and the potential for rapid evolution in the field.
Moderator: Dr. Eric Daimler
Speakers: Rami Qasem,John Curtius,Laurence Moroney

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - INVESTMENT - AI Commercialization - Practical Applications - Data Quality - Trust Building - Neurosymbolic AI


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