
Using AI for Operational Advantage with Dr. Eric Daimler, Co-Founder & CEO, Conexus FII7

26 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the need for global regulations on artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential impact on jobs, security, and political dynamics. The speakers emphasize the importance of regulating AI to ensure safety and ethical use, while also acknowledging the challenges of understanding and regulating such complex technology. They highlight the need for a balance between regulation and innovation, as well as the importance of making AI-related issues accessible to the public. The debate also touches on the implications of AI for job displacement and the potential misuse of AI for harmful purposes. Additionally, the speakers discuss the need for a global or European approach to AI regulation to avoid disparate regulations among member states.
Moderator: Dr. Eric Daimler

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - Global AI Regulations - Job Impact - Security Concerns - Political Dynamics - Ethical Use of AI


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