
Steering Through the AI-Media Boom, Powered by Strategy&/PWC FII7

26 Oct 2023

The discussion revolves around the increasing influence of generative AI in the media and entertainment industry, with a focus on content creation and the evolving role of humans in storytelling. It also addresses the potential impact of AI on job roles and the need for retraining employees to adapt to new skill sets. The conversation highlights the ethical and practical challenges associated with AI, such as the detection of fake content and the preservation of authenticity. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for companies to strategically integrate AI, optimize productivity, and preserve human creativity in an AI-influenced work environment.
Moderator: Roy Hintze/Karim Sarkis
Speakers: Fares Akkad,Simon Crownshaw,May Habib

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - Generative AI - Media & Entertainment - Job Roles and Retraining - Ethical Challenges - Human Creativity


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