
Global South Carbon Markets Conference: Carbon Pricing: Triangulating Value, Cost, and Price FII7

26 Oct 2023

The discussion focused on the complexities of carbon markets, particularly the voluntary market, and the challenges of pricing carbon. It highlighted the shift towards direct engagement between buyers and project developers, emphasizing the need for transparency and quality assurance. The absence of a clear price discovery mechanism and the impact of events such as COP26 and energy price fluctuations were also discussed. The divergence between avoidance and removal projects, as well as the unexpected increase in renewable energy credit purchases, were noted. Additionally, the impact of interest rates, COP27, and the role of carbon pricing in incentivizing emission reduction and clean technology innovation were explored. The discussion also touched on the disparities between the Global North and Global South in terms of technological innovation and climate finance.
Moderator: Silvia Favasuli
Speakers: Gauri Jauhar

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Carbon Pricing - Voluntary Carbon Market - Transparency and Quality - Renewable Energy Credits - Global North-South Disparity


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