
Global South Carbon Markets Conference, The Riyadh Edition, Powered by PIF & RVCMC: Introduction

26 Oct 2023

The discussion at the conference on carbon markets in the global South highlighted the multifaceted impact of carbon markets, emphasizing economic development and lifestyle changes. The importance of high-quality carbon credits from the global South was underscored, with a focus on their potential for economic and social development. The need for transparency, confidence, and security in the functioning of carbon credits was also emphasized. The potential for carbon markets to create economic opportunities and drive investment in sustainable practices was a key theme. The role of governments in recognizing carbon credits as an export commodity and the potential for job creation in the global South were also discussed. The conference aimed to provide a platform for dialogue and collaboration to address climate change and create a better future.
Moderator: Lyn Tattum Gauri Jauhar Erik Ringvold
Speakers: Yazeed Alhumied,Ambassador Peter Ogego,William Ruto,Riham ElGizy,Dr. Atul Arya,Kanyinke Sena,Kenneth Newcombe,Maryam Shehu Mohammed,Murray Collins,Tommy Ricketts,Captain Ibrahim Koshy,Ibrahim Al-Buainain,Sarah AlSuhaimi

FII 7th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Carbon Credits - Economic Development - Transparency and Confidence - Job Creation - Government Role


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