
The Darker Side Of Our Interconnected World | Manuel Medina, Suzanne Kianpour

31 Mar 2023

In a discussion about the challenges of our interconnected world, the speaker emphasizes the inevitability of cyber attacks, predicting that 45% of organizations globally will have experienced one by 2025. The speaker highlights the difficulty of protecting digitized infrastructure due to its dispersed nature and the lack of a traditional perimeter. They stress the importance of individual vigilance, such as using multi-factor authentication and secure password management, to mitigate risks. The discussion also touches on the challenges of prosecuting cyber criminals internationally and the role of AI in both aiding and complicating cybersecurity. Overall, the conversation underscores the need for heightened awareness and proactive measures to address the growing threats in the online environment.
Moderator: Suzanne Kianpour
Speakers: Manuel Medina

FII Priority Miami 2023 - Miami - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - Cyber Attacks - Digital Security - Cyber Crime - AI in Security - Proactive Measures


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