
The Four Pillars Critical To Digital Transformation FII6

25 Oct 2022

The conversation at FII6 Day 1 delved into the pivotal aspects of digital transformation, focusing on the journey of Thomas Kurian and Google Cloud's evolution into a formidable player in cloud computing. Kurian's foresight recognized the ubiquity of technology across industries and the promise of cloud computing to democratize access to it. Central to digital transformation is trust, essential for companies to embrace innovation and entrust their business to platforms like Google Cloud. The pandemic accelerated digital adoption, urging companies to reassess their technological foundations and pivot towards digitization. Google Cloud's collaboration with companies in the Middle East showcases how data analysis and AI enhance operations, from understanding consumer behavior to optimizing supply chains. Cybersecurity remains paramount in an increasingly digitized world, with cloud computing providing robust solutions to combat cybercrime. Additionally, cloud technology aids sustainability efforts by enabling data-driven decisions to advance environmental goals. As one of the major players in cloud computing, Google Cloud acknowledges its global responsibilities, aiming to democratize access to technology and bridge the digital divide worldwide.
Moderator: Edie Lush
Speakers: Thomas Kurian

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - SUSTAINABILITY - Digital Transformation - Cloud Computing - Cybersecurity - Data Analysis - Environmental Goals


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