
Clash Of Priorities FII6

25 Oct 2022

Maximo Mazzocco is a passionate climate and ecological entrepreneur and activist with over 15 years of dedicated engagement. Through his work, Maximo emphasizes the significance of empathy, communication, and humility in addressing pressing global challenges. As a seasoned leader, he advocates for transparent and collaborative approaches to problem-solving, fostering meaningful dialogue across generations. Maximo's commitment to building a better world resonates through his efforts to empower youth voices and promote sustainable action on a global scale.
Moderator: Edie Lush
Speakers: Will Ahmed,Dr. Badr Al Badr,Farah Emarah,Guillaume Lacroix, M�ximo Mazzocco,Akash Shah

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - PHILANTHROPY - Climate Action - Youth Empowerment - Sustainability - Global Challenges - Collaboration


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