
Navigating a Disentangling Globe FII6

25 Oct 2022

The panel discussion on "Navigating a Disentangling Globe" at FII explored the evolving challenges in the global supply chain, from geopolitical tensions to the impact of COVID-19. Industry leaders discussed strategies such as shifting from efficiency to resilience, leveraging technology like AI for predictive solutions, and fostering public-private partnerships. Amidst the disruptions, there's a palpable sense of optimism, particularly driven by the energy and innovation of the global youth.
Moderator: Elise Labott
Speakers: Capt. Ibrahim Al Koshy,Dr. Ibrahim Almojel,Glenn August,John Hadden,Niklas Ostberg,Josette Sheeran,Badr Al Olama

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - INDUSTRY - TECHNOLOGY - Global Supply Chain - Geopolitical Impact - Efficiency to Resilience - AI Predictive Solutions - Public-Private Partnerships


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