
Investing For FY2072 FII6

26 Oct 2022

The panel on "Investing for FY2072" at FII explored long-term investment strategies, contrasting them with short-term market pressures. Industry leaders from Sarek, Franklin Templeton, Third Point, and others discussed trends in innovation, sustainability, and economic resilience. Key insights included the impact of technological advancements, the importance of human capital, and regional investment opportunities in the GCC and beyond.
Moderator: Yousef Gamal El Din
Speakers: H.E. Abdulrahman Al-Fageeh,Karim Awad,Jennifer Johnson,Daniel Loeb,Philippe Oddo,John StudzinskI

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - INDUSTRY - SUSTAINABILITY - Long-term Strategy - Innovation - Sustainability - Economic Resilience - Human Capital


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