
Circular Carbon and Post-Pollution Future FII6

26 Oct 2022

The discussion focuses on the circular carbon economy and the post-pollution future, emphasizing sustainability and investment. The panelists discuss the challenges and opportunities of a circular carbon framework, the political perspectives on energy policies, and the role of technology and innovation in achieving a cleaner, greener future. They highlight the importance of investment in new technologies and public-private collaborations to reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable practices. The discussion also touches on the economic benefits of circular economy practices, including job creation and better resource management.
Moderator: Rebecca McLaughin-Eastham
Speakers: Ziyad Alshiha,Norm Coleman,John Sampson

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Circular Carbon Economy - Energy Policies - Public-Private Collaborations - Resource Management - Job Creation


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