
Augmenting Humanity Through Robotics FII6

26 Oct 2022

This session focused on advancements in robotics and quantum computing and their implications for the future, especially in health and economics. Speakers highlighted the transformative potential of quantum computing in areas like drug discovery, climate change, and financial services. Robotics was discussed in the context of data infrastructure and its role in increasing efficiency across various sectors. The discussion also addressed challenges such as data security, talent shortages, and the risk of increasing the digital divide between developed and developing nations. Despite these challenges, the speakers were optimistic about the potential benefits for humanity.
Moderator: Nzinga Qunta
Speakers: Haoyuan Li,Tony Li,Sebastian Weidt,Joe Xia

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - HEALTHCARE - Robotics - Quantum Computing - Drug Discovery - Data Infrastructure - Digital Divide


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