
Beyond ESG FII6

27 Oct 2022

This panel discussion explores the controversies and current context of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) investment strategies. Experts highlight the financial market's misalignment with sustainable development, the need for standardized ESG metrics, and the impact of political and legal factors on ESG investments. The discussion emphasizes the growing importance of sustainability in emerging markets and the need for credible, smart ESG products.
Moderator: Anthony Berkley
Speakers: Eng. Khalid Abdullah Al-Hussan,Laura M. Cha,Lori Heinel,Doug Johnston,Rebeca Minguela, Darin Rovere,John Quinn

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - ESG Strategies - Financial Market - Sustainable Development - ESG Metrics - Emerging Markets


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