
Sharing & Cooperation in the Global South, Powered by IsDB with Gates Foundation FII6

27 Oct 2022

The discussion focuses on the evolution and future of cooperation in the Global South, particularly in the context of development finance and knowledge sharing. It highlights the role of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the Gates Foundation in promoting collaboration and capacity building among member countries. The document emphasizes the significance of South-South cooperation in addressing global challenges, such as sustainable development goals and climate change. It also showcases successful examples of collaboration, including initiatives to combat infectious diseases, improve agricultural efficiency, and empower women. The discussion underscores the importance of involving diverse stakeholders, including the private sector, academia, and civil societies, in addressing developmental challenges. Overall, it advocates for a holistic approach to collaboration to tackle the complex and challenging future ahead.
Moderator: James Carty
Speakers: Kalpana Kochhar,Amer Bukvic

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - PHILANTHROPY - SUSTAINABILITY - South-South Cooperation - Climate Change - Sustainable Development - Infectious Diseases - Agricultural Efficiency


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