
Nourish the World Sustainably FII6

27 Oct 2022

The discussion centers on the critical need for sustainable agricultural practices to address the impending global population increase and ensure food security. Panelists emphasize the importance of modernizing traditional agriculture, integrating innovative technologies, and fostering collaboration between public and private sectors. The conversation underscores the complex interplay between sustainability, food security, and regulatory considerations, emphasizing the necessity of balancing sustainability with the nutritional needs of the global population. The panelists stress the need for transparency in supply chains, informed purchasing decisions, and responsible practices by stakeholders across the agricultural sector. Additionally, the geopolitical implications of food crises and the imperative for global collaboration to address the complexity of nourishing the world sustainably are highlighted.
Moderator: Jane Witherspoon
Speakers: Patricia Bubner,Ghias Uddin Khan,Philippe Rombaut,David Rosenberg, Wael Ismail

FII 6th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Sustainable Agriculture - Modernization - Public-Private Collaboration - Nutritional Needs - Transparency


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