
Investing in Green Initiatives at #FII5

27 Oct 2021

The discussion emphasizes the urgent need for global action and investment in green initiatives, particularly in addressing climate change and promoting sustainable finance and investment practices. It underscores the critical role of leadership and collaboration in driving meaningful change, as well as the necessity of re-educating and re-imagining business as usual. The conversation also highlights the importance of transitioning to a circular economy and fostering resilient economies through forward-thinking investments. Additionally, it addresses the challenges and opportunities in developing countries, such as Gabon, in creating sustainable financial assets and attracting foreign direct investment. Overall, the discussion centers on the imperative need for a shift in mindset and culture within organizations to align with the urgency and intensity required to meet global emission targets and foster sustainable practices.
Moderator: Nik Gowing
Speakers: Fahad AlSaif,Akim Daouda,Hon. Julia Hoggett,John Green,Noel Quinn

FII 5th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Global Action - Green Initiatives - Climate Change - Sustainable Finance - Leadership & Collaboration


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