
John Pagano, Group CEO, The Red Sea Development Company & AMAALA on Sustainable Tourism at #FII5

27 Oct 2021

The Red Sea Project, led by John Pagano, is a pioneering luxury tourism development in Saudi Arabia, emphasizing sustainability and regenerative tourism. Despite the challenges posed by the pandemic, the project has made significant progress and is set to open its doors to guests in 2022. The project's commitment to sustainability is evident in its efforts to create thousands of jobs, support local communities, and lead in environmental conservation. It aims to achieve a 30% net conservation benefit over the next two decades and reduce carbon emissions through off-grid, renewable energy. The project has received substantial support from the Public Investment Fund and private sector backers, demonstrating widespread interest and confidence in the initiative. The Red Sea Project serves as an example of how dedication to regenerative tourism can benefit the environment, communities, and the global tourism industry.
Moderator: John Pagano

FII 5th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Regenerative Tourism - Environmental Conservation - Renewable Energy - Local Community Support - Job Creation


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