
Ahmad O. Al Khowaiter and Sherif Foda Discuss Green Hydrogen at #FII5

28 Oct 2021

The discussion at the Future Investment Initiative (FII5) focused on the potential of green hydrogen as a clean energy source, given the global emphasis on decarbonization. The panelists highlighted the need for government support, infrastructure investment, and regulatory standards to incentivize the demand for low-carbon hydrogen. They also discussed the role of blue hydrogen as a stepping stone towards low-carbon hydrogen and the potential use of current infrastructure for green hydrogen production. The conversation emphasized the changing demand outlook and the pivotal role of hydrogen in the global transition towards low-carbon energy. The panelists expressed optimism about the future of clean hydrogen and stressed the importance of policymakers acting now to drive its widespread adoption.
Moderator: Naser El Tibi
Speakers: Ahmad O. Al Khowaiter,Sherif Foda

FII 5th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - TECHNOLOGY - Green Hydrogen - Clean Energy - Infrastructure Investment - Regulatory Standards - Government Support


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