
Investing in Digital Finance - #FII5

28 Oct 2021

The discussion revolves around the impact of digital finance, particularly in the African context, focusing on mobile money, digital lending platforms, and blockchain technology. The conversation highlights the potential of these financial tools in addressing inequality, reducing poverty, and empowering individuals to make informed investment choices. The role of digital finance in connecting opportunities with choices is emphasized, with examples of how it supports sustainable housing projects and financial inclusion. The challenges of regulation and the need for innovation to adapt to legal frameworks are also discussed. Overall, the conversation underscores the potential of digital finance to drive positive impact and inclusion.
Moderator: Edie Lush
Speakers: Fr�d�ric Chesnais,Jenna Lee,Roxana Mohammadian Molina,Tayo Oviosu

FII 5th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - SUSTAINABILITY - Mobile Money - Blockchain - Financial Inclusion - Sustainable Housing - Regulation


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