
The Future of AI: How Investments Will Drive the Next Wave of Intelligent Machines

28 Oct 2021

The discussion on the future of AI emphasizes the potential for AI to enhance human capabilities rather than replace them, making workers more effective and efficient. It highlights the importance of AI in business transformation, particularly in financial services, where it can add value across various functions. The conversation also addresses the need for a new approach to AI development, focusing on creating truly intelligent AI that emulates human cognitive processes. It underscores the potential for AI to revolutionize various industries and solve complex global challenges, such as environmental issues and genetic engineering. Additionally, the discussion touches on the ethical considerations and the need for global governance in AI development.
Moderator: Jane Witherspoon
Speakers: Dr. Majid Altuwaijri,Bruno Maisonnier,Antonio Simeone,Pascal Weinberger

FII 5th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - INDUSTRY - AI Development - Business Transformation - Ethical Considerations - Global Governance - Environmental Solutions


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