
Opening remarks - H.E. Yasir Al-Rumayyan - FII Fourth Edition - Day 1

27 Oct 2021

The opening remarks by H.E. Yasir Al-Rumayyan at the Fourth Edition of the Future Investment Initiative (FII) in Riyadh highlight the profound impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on global society and economies. Al-Rumayyan emphasizes the need for a fundamental rethink of traditional norms and the unprecedented opportunity for sustainable impact investing. He draws parallels to historical renaissances, envisioning a new era of renovation and a "Neo Renaissance," calling for collective efforts to positively and sustainably impact humanity. The address sets the stage for discussions at the FII, emphasizing the imperative for innovative and sustainable approaches to address the challenges and opportunities presented by the current global landscape.
Speakers: H.E. Yasir Al-Rumayyan

FII 4th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - PHILANTHROPY - Sustainable Impact - Neo Renaissance - Global Society - Economic Recovery - Innovative Approaches


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