
The Neo-Renaissance: How will investment shape a rebirth of the global economy-FII 4th Edition-Day 1

27 Oct 2021

The discussion revolves around the impact of the ongoing pandemic on global financial markets and the real economy, with a focus on the disconnect between the two. Panelists express optimism about continued investment in financial markets and real economies, while acknowledging the need for a more balanced impact on people's lives through investments. There is a growing emphasis on sustainability, renewable energy, and the integration of ESG considerations into investment strategies. The panelists also discuss the potential for impactful and sustainable investment opportunities in sectors such as technology, renewable energy, and infrastructure. Additionally, there is a focus on the evolving landscape of investment, with a shift towards personalized and customized portfolios that align with ESG principles, indicating a fundamental change in the finance industry's approach to investment.
Speakers: David Rubenstein,H.E. Yasir Al Rumayyan,Ray Dalio,Laurence D. Fink,Dr. Thomas P. Gottstein,David M. Solomon

FII 4th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - INDUSTRY - Financial Markets - Real Economy - ESG Integration - Renewable Energy - Customized Portfolios


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