Social architecture: What investments in
infrastructure will enable the next wave
of growth? - Day 2
28 Oct 2021
The discussion centers on the critical need for infrastructure investment, encompassing traditional assets like transportation and utilities, as well as technology infrastructure. The role of the private sector in infrastructure investing is emphasized, given the fiscal constraints faced by governments. The example of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030 is cited, highlighting the importance of attracting private investment through legislative and regulatory reforms. The panel discussion delves into priority infrastructure investments post-pandemic, emphasizing the significance of digital infrastructure, connectivity, clean energy, and the integration of technology in energy infrastructure development. The need for government support and investment in the energy transition is underscored, along with the importance of public-private partnerships in driving future infrastructure development. The discussion also emphasizes the need for innovative and bold infrastructure investments to drive economic growth and societal development.
Speakers: H.E. Dr. Bassem Awadallah,H.E. Mohamed Ali Rashed Alabbar,Brendan Bechtel,Josh Giegel,Matthew Harris