
Corporate evolution: How business leaders are building more adaptive companies-FII 4th Edition-Day 2

28 Oct 2021

The discussion revolves around the challenges and lessons learned by business leaders in building more adaptive companies in the face of the pandemic. The conversation features insights from Tim Collins, CEO of Ripplewood Advisors, Jeremy Weir, CEO and Executive Chairman of Trafigura, and Dirk Hoek, CEO of Airbus Defense and Space. Key points include the increased reliance on governments, the importance of competence over ideology, dynamic planning, and the significance of having buffers and resilience in business processes. The dialogue also touches on innovations and partnerships in the banking, defense, and space industries, emphasizing the importance of purpose-driven, innovative, and collaborative approaches in driving future success. Additionally, the impact of the energy transition on investments, particularly in the metals market and renewable energy, is discussed, highlighting the need for ethical and responsible sourcing. Overall, the conversation provides valuable insights into the strategies employed by business leaders to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic and drive future success.
Speakers: Edie Lush,Timothy Collins,Dirk Hoke,Jeremy Weir,Lu Zhang

FII 4th Edition - Riyadh - INDUSTRY - TECHNOLOGY - Business Adaptation - Pandemic Lessons - Government Reliance - Dynamic Planning - Energy Transition


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