
Investing in tech: How will venture capital drive the next wave of innovation and entrepreneurship?

28 Oct 2021

The discussion revolves around the increasing importance of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors in holding investors and companies accountable for sustainable operations and investing. The panelists emphasize the potential for ESG to mitigate risks for early-stage companies and drive responsible and sustainable investing. They also highlight the accelerating impact of digital disruption, data, and AI on various industries, predicting a trend towards more responsible and sustainable investing becoming mainstream. The role of venture capital in driving innovation and entrepreneurship is underscored, with a focus on the transformative potential of digital technology and data over the next decade. The panelists also discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the tech investment landscape and the potential opportunities and challenges in the tech industry over the next five years.
Speakers: Nadira Tudor,Rajeev Misra,Jack Selby,Christine Tsai,Patrick Zhong

FII 4th Edition - Riyadh - SUSTAINABILITY - TECHNOLOGY - ESG Factors - Sustainable Investing - Digital Disruption - AI Impact - Venture Capital


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