
Digital currency: How the pandemic is driving innovations in finance? - FII Fourth Edition - Day 2

28 Oct 2021

The panel discussion titled "Digital Currency: How the Pandemic is Driving Innovation in Finance" featured insights from industry leaders on the trends in finance and banking over the past 12 months. The discussion highlighted the acceleration of digital payments, the integration of technology and data in the banking sector, and the significant role of mobile payments and digital wallets in various economies. The panelists emphasized the need for collaboration and integration between traditional players and fintech companies to address weaknesses in the traditional banking sector. They also predicted the mainstream presence of fintech in 2021 and anticipated significant advancements in digital currency projects in China and the US. The panelists shared examples of successful collaborations and integrations in the fintech space, emphasizing the importance of partnerships in driving innovation in the financial industry.
Speakers: Roxana Mohammadian-Molina,Bob Diamond,Steve Jacobs,Tayo Oviosu,Vijay Shekhar Sharma

FII 4th Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - FINANCE - Digital Payments - Fintech - Banking Sector - Global Collaboration - Innovation in Finance


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