
The next decade: Part one - Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 1

29 Oct 2019

The discussion revolves around the concept of heightened uncertainty and its impact on the global economy over the next decade. Panelists explore the opportunities and challenges presented by rapid technological advancements, social conflicts, and geopolitical tensions. They emphasize the need for adaptability, innovation, and cooperation to navigate the complexities of the changing economic and social landscape. The panelists also address the issues of wealth gap, climate change, and the effectiveness of monetary policy in stimulating the economy. The conversation delves into the need for leaders to address internal and external conflicts, and the importance of creating an environment conducive to change, innovation, and adaptability. The overall message is one of cautious optimism, underlined by the need for proactive measures to address economic challenges while leveraging the potential of technological advancements and societal empowerment.
Moderator: Nik Gowing
Speakers: H.E. Yasir Al-Rumayyan,Ray Dalio,Noel Quinn,Stephen A. Schwarzman,John Waldron

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - TECHNOLOGY - SUSTAINABILITY - Economic Uncertainty - Technological Advancement - Climate Change - Wealth Gap - Monetary Policy


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