
Power Players Future Investment Initiative 2019 Day 1

29 Oct 2019

The panel discussion focused on the evolving investment strategies of sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), particularly the shift towards alternative investments such as venture capital and private equity. The trend towards alternative investments is driven by the need for higher returns in a low-growth environment with prolonged low interest rates. The panelists emphasized the importance of balancing internal and external investments to fulfill the objectives of the funds and mitigate political interference. Additionally, the discussion highlighted the role of SWFs in supporting innovation, addressing climate change, and the need for joint investment platforms. The panelists also discussed the potential risks and opportunities associated with alternative investments and the importance of expertise and careful decision-making in this evolving investment landscape.
Moderator: Naser El Tibi
Speakers: H.E. Khalid Al-Rumaihi,Farouk A. Bastaki,Heenam Choi,Ken Costa,Bing Hu

FII 3rd Edition - Riyadh - INVESTMENT - SUSTAINABILITY - Alternative Investments - Innovation Support - Climate Change - Expertise - Decision-Making


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